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O-Cream Rx for Her

A topical prescription formulated to enhance arousal and sensitivity

  • Fast-acting
  • Increases sensitivity
  • Combats dryness and pain during intercourse
  • 100% virtual prescription
  • Doctor-approved ingredients
O-Cream Rx for Her
O-Cream Rx for Her
O-Cream Rx for Her

Important to know

  • What is Cake O-Cream Rx?

    Cake O-Cream Cream is a prescription topical formulated with the same active ingredient as Viagra (Sildenafil) to increase blood flow and vaginal sensitivity.

  • Regular strength vs. extra strength

    Both regular and extra strength O-Cream have the active ingredient found in Viagra (Sildenafil). Typically, regular strength (1% Sildenafil) is prescribed for patients new to topical treatments or those experiencing mild symptoms of Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD). Extra Strength (3%) tends to be for patients with moderate to severe symptoms of FSD. In either case, if you’re eligible, a qualified physician will help guide you to the correct strength of O-Cream.

  • Safety information

    Each patient may react differently to prescription medication. Do not use this product unless instructed by a doctor. Allergic reactions and topical irritation are the most likely side effects, but the symptoms are not considered dangerous. Stop use if you experience discomfort or irritation—alternatively, if you experience too much sensation, consider using a smaller amount of cream per use.

Why O-cream Rx?

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Powerful ingredients

Made with the same active ingredient found in Viagra (Sildenafil), O-Cream is designed for those experiencing difficulty climaxing, troubles with dryness, or pain during sex.


O-Cream starts working within 15-30 minutes.

Heightened sensitivity

O-Cream is formulated to help promote blood flow which increases vaginal sensitivity and combats dryness and discomfort.

100% virtual prescription

No in-person doctor visits required! Cake’s prescription process is completely virtual.

Meet Dr. Paige

The co-creator of Cake meds for Her

Schedule Rx Consultation
FSD Meds that work in just 15 minutes!

Cake Cream Rx works in 3 easy steps

eggplant emoji

Massage into vaginal and clitoral tissue

heart-eyes emoji

Let the medication absorb

droplets emoji

15-30 minutes to fully activate

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What treatment is right for me?

That depends on You. start a virtual consultation today to discover how to best navigate your needs.


When to use O-Cream Vs Libido lift?

Depending on which symptoms you want to a treat, a doctor will recommend the medication that best targets your needs.


Can you take O-Cream and Libido Lift together?

When prescribed by a medical professional, O-Cream Rx and Libido Lift Rx can be taken in tandem.


What are the main symptoms of FSD?

  • Low sexual desire
  • Sexual arousal disorder
  • Orgasmic disorder
  • Sexual pain disorder

How does this arrive?

Everything is shipped discretely in a plain brown box from ‘HC’ instead of ‘Hello Cake.’

How to get FSD meds from Cake

  • Now Order your meds

    With Cake, you’re able to add the meds you would like directly to your cart. Don’t worry, you won’t be charged for the prescription until after you’re approved by a doctor.

  • Today Complete your medical intake

    After you checkout, answer some questions about your medical history and libido symptoms. This will be used by a qualified physician to determine if the Cake Meds you ordered are right for you.


  • Typically within 24 hours Hear from a provider

    Our doctors will get back to you within 24 hours to evaluate your intake form and ask any follow up questions.

  • 3-5 Days Get your medication

    After you are prescribed, we ship your meds right away and will arrive in 5 days or less.

  • you’re on your way Begin treatment

    Start making sex fun again with Cake Meds for Her.

As seen in
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The Details

  • What is the difference between O-Cream Rx & Libido Lift Rx? Which one is more effective?

    O-Cream RX is a prescribed compound medication for those experiencing difficulty climaxing, troubles with dryness, or pain during intercourse. It is a prescription strength topical cream formulated with the same active ingredient found in Viagra (Sildenafil) to increase blood flow and vaginal sensitivity. We offer a regular strength (1% Sildenafil) and an extra strength (3% Sildenafil).

    Libido Lift Rx is a prescription-strength treatment that treats the emotional and physical symptoms of female sexual dysfunction. This oral medication is formulated to increase libido, blood flow and vaginal sensitivity. The active ingredients are Oxytocin, L-Citrulline, and Tadalafil.

    If you’re still unsure which medication might be right for you, we suggest selecting the medication that you feel fits the symptoms you would like treated. You will need to complete this medical intake form and a doctor will review your form and determine if you are eligible for a prescription and which dosage.

  • How many doses come in an order?

    Six doses come in an order. When you login to your account, you can select your preferred amount of packs and shipment frequency.

  • Is the Cream scented?

    No, the cream is unscented.

  • How frequently can I use O-cream Rx?

    It is not recommended for use more than 2 times in 24 hours.

  • How long will O-Cream Rx take to work?

    When massaged in, the average time is 5-10 minutes sometimes sooner.

  • What is a compounded medication?

    Compounded medications are custom-made drugs that combine doctor prescribed ingredients to meet a patient’s specific needs.

    A doctor’s prescription is required to create a compounded medication, which is similar to a recipe that mixes one or more active ingredients in specific amounts.

    Compounded medications are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), therefore the FDA does not verify the safety or effectiveness of compounded drugs including O-Cream Rx.

  • What is the Sildenafil compounded with to make it a cream?

    Sildenafil is compounded with an Anhydrous cream base.

  • How long will I feel the effects of O-Cream Rx?

    Depending on intercourse, the average effects last around 20 minutes.

  • How soon after using O-Cream Rx is it safe to receive oral sex?

    Sildenafil is a prescription medication and should not be ingested orally. However, once the medication has taken effect, it may be cleaned off with a body wipe to proceed with oral sex.

  • What happens if my partner’s penis comes into contact with O-Cream Rx?

    As with any medication, there is a risk for a male partner to experience an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients after coming into contact with the topical cream. Additionally, if a male partner is taking nitrates, they would be at risk with the sildenafil; avoid exposure to any open wounds or active infections.

  • Is O-Cream Rx FDA-approved?

    No, O-Cream is not FDA-approved. This specific combination is compounded, meaning it is customized for individual patients rather than mass-produced as a standalone FDA-approved drug. It is compounded at a 503A pharmacy that makes patient specific prescriptions. 503A pharmacies, like other pharmacies, are required to be licensed by the state in which they are located and must follow follow strict quality standards, ensuring both safety and effectiveness.

  • Has O-Cream Rx been tested?

    This compounded medication, like most compounded medications, has not been put through a clinical trial as compounded medications are not eligible due to being made to order. With compounded medications, the individual ingredients are studied, each having its own side effects and drug interactions. A doctor is then able to prescribe the compounded medication if, and only if, you are deemed to be a good candidate for the medication and you are not taking any medications that may lead to an adverse interaction with the ingredients within Libido Lift.

  • Can you use O-Cream Rx if you're taking estrogen?

    Yes, these can be taken while on estrogen.

  • Can you use O-Cream Rx with antidepressants?

    Yes, O-Cream Rx can be taken while on antidepressants. One of the active ingredients, Tadalafil may be especially beneficial. Please be sure to always disclose all medications, including antidepressants during your intake process.

  • Can you use O-Cream Rx if pregnant or while trying to conceive?

    No, you cannot use O-Cream Rx if pregnant or while trying to conceive. If you think you may be pregnant, or would like to become pregnant in the near future you should not take these prescription medications.

  • Can you use O-Cream Rx if you’re taking birth control pills?

    Yes, O-Cream Rx would have no effect on birth control pills.

  • Can I use this in tandem with other supplements like Sex Drive for Her?

    When prescribed by a medical professional, Cake Meds for Her can be taken in tandem with Sex Drive for Her. Please be sure to disclose all medications and supplements to the prescribing physician during your intake, and update them should any health changes or medications occur if subscribed.

  • Are there any key drug interactions or side effects to be aware of?

    Each patient may react differently to prescription medication. Do not use this product unless instructed by a doctor. Allergic reactions and topical irritation are the most likely side effects, but the symptoms are not considered dangerous. Stop use if you experience discomfort or irritation—alternatively, if you experience too much sensation, consider using a smaller amount of cream per use.

    There are some side effects that one might experience with this medication. These side effects are common and may go away with time and/or increased usage.

    Itching, Redness, Scaling and Dryness can be managed with frequent use of a moisturizer.

    • Itching
    • Redness
    • Dryness
    • Headaches
    • Increased Heart Rates
    • Light-Headedness

    If you experience any side effects, you can always reach out to your prescribing doctor via the Messages section of your dashboard.


  • Can I use insurance for Hello Cake Meds?

    At this point we do not take insurance.

  • Are there any age restrictions?

    O-Cream Rx is only prescribed to individuals 18+.

  • Is O-Cream Rx available in my state?

    At the moment O-Cream Rx only ships within the continental United States. Due to some restrictions, there are some states that we are unable to ship to. They are:

    • Alabama

    • California

    • Guam

    • Puerto Rico

    • South Carolina

  • How long does it take to be approved by a doctor?

    It generally takes less than 24hrs to find out if you are eligible for a prescription. Keep an eye on your inbox as you will be notified by email.

  • When will I receive my order?

    If approved, it can take the pharmacy up to 2 -3 business days to fulfill your order. Once shipped, it takes 3-5 business days to be delivered.

  • Do you offer expedited shipping?

    We do not offer expedited shipping at this time for prescribed medications.

  • Why O-Cream Rx For Her?

    Cake O-Cream enhances blood flow and sensitivity with Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. Available in regular and extra strength, it combats dryness and discomfort for improved pleasure. Fast-acting and easy to use, it’s a topical solution tailored to your needs with a 100% virtual prescription.