The Pretzel Dip sex position will give you the deep penetration of doggy style while giving you the intimacy of being able to gaze into your partner’s eyes.

And there is so much you can do with your hands while you’re deep in your partner’s body. You can just explore or even play with a few toys.

Curious? Excellent. Let’s chat about how to do the Pretzel Dip.

How To Perform The Pretzel Dip

Just to make it easier to describe, we’ll call the receiver Jessie, and the giver Sam.

Jessie lies on their side and Sam kneels between Jessie’s legs.

Sam straddles Jessie’s bottom leg and holds up Jessie’s top leg.

Jessie’s top leg can now curl around Sam’s back.

This position allows for deeper penetration.

As with all sex positions, there are pros and cons. This sex position is no different.

The pros are deeper penetration and being able to see your partner’s face. Giving you a natural bond in the heat of the moment.

The Pretzel Dip also allows for tantalizing pressure on anyone with a clitoris.

The cons are that, unfortunately, it’s not exactly for everyone.

If you have pelvic floor issues or hip issues, we’d recommend steering clear.

But even if you are a bit stiff you can mess around with how and where the leg is curled, and we guarantee you’ll be alright with not nailing the position like a pro. This will be fun and intense any way you manage it and, sex like this is also a fantastic workout.

Ok, so who would benefit from this sexual experience?

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Who Would Benefit From The Pretzel Dip?

As positions go, this is a pretty intimate one. But the power dynamic runs one way as the giver controls the pace and movement.

If you’re like being in submission, you will love handing over power to your partner.

This is for anyone craving deep penetration, like doggy style, or those who need constant stimulation and intimacy. The Pretzel Dip will have you in sexual and twisty nirvana.

The Pretzel Dip isn’t a position for givers who are behind on their cardio workouts (you can check on your cardio fitness on your Apple Watch), as it will require a lot of motion in the ocean while thrusting. But you can always adjust the tempo to suit the mood.

Also, using the correct lube can help heighten the sensations and give you both extra moisture needed to keep the party going alllllll night long.

If your interested in vaginal play, we recommend using Natural Sex Lube. It’s ultra moisturizing and made from natural ingredients that won’t upset the vagina’s pH balance.

If you interested in backdoor play, we recommend using Silicone Sex Lube. Made with premium silicone, it gives you that extra slip and glide needed for your backdoor sessions. Plus it doesn’t dry out, making it perfect for marathon sessions.

And if you want to get more fit all you need to do is practice!

There are a few variations to try out with the Pretzel Dip.

Different Pretzels

The basic Pretzel Dip is the one mentioned above. For those in a lesbian couple, the Soft Pretzel is a must.

Let’s call our characters Klara and Kate.

Klara and Kate should lay on their backs with their bums touching. One partner, let’s say Klara should raise one leg over Kate’s vagina and core. Kate should do the same with their opposing leg.

This will provide pressure on both clitorises.

If you find you’re not getting the proper pressure, you can always insert a toy into the mix. A compact powerful vibrator, like Bullet Vibe, is perfect for stimulating the clitorises in this position.

The next version is the Pretzel Boss. This position allows more control from the receiver, who can now decide on depth and speed.

Let’s go back to Jessie and Sam. In the original Pretzel Dip position, Jessie can also pull their top leg onto their chest for even greater penetration.

Now, do you want anything else with your pretzel?

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Get More Out of The Pretzel Dip Sex Position

The Pretzel Dip Sex Position is fun on its own, but it’s out of this world with any of our many Cake kits.