Did you know that in the United States alone, there are more than 30 million people with penises who suffer from erectile dysfunction regularly? Erectile dysfunction can be frustrating not only for the person with the penis, but also for their sexual partner. Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED, can have many causes, but most of them have to do with having poor blood flow to the penis.

Fortunately, learning how to increase blood flow to penis doesn’t have to be an impossible task. There are several ways in which you can improve the blood flow to your penis and improve your sex life as a result. But the first thing that you will need to know about is why erectile dysfunction happens in the first place.

Keep reading to learn more about the causes of ED and what you can do about it to get back to having a healthy sex life.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction Exactly?

In simple terms, erectile dysfunction happens because there is not enough blood in the penis to create an erection. Blood flow to your penis is vital when it comes to getting an erection and if there is simply not enough blood present, an erection won’t be possible. For younger people, getting an erection can often be easy.

That’s because the blood flow in a younger person is healthy, and there are no health conditions that might impede it. On the other hand, older people tend to have a variety of health conditions that can impede their blood flow, such as diabetes or heart disease. If the blood flow in your entire body is bad, you can’t expect to be able to have great sexual health.

The Details

The flow of blood to the penis is essential for sex because the penis has two unique kinds of tissue: the corpus spongiosum and the corpus cavernosum. These tissues are special because they are spongy and can become engorged with blood when the penis has become sexually aroused. Besides being able to fill with blood, these tissues are also able to lock blood inside the penis.

This is not only important for causing an erection but maintaining an erection as well. If the tissues did not lock the blood inside the penis, the blood would flow back out, and the person would lose their erection as soon as it arrived. As you can imagine, these tissues won’t work all that well if there isn’t a lot of blood flowing into the penis in the first place.

As a result, it will be very difficult to get an erection, even with manual stimulation. But why does erectile dysfunction happen in the first place, and what can you do about it?

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Why Does Erectile Dysfunction Happen in the First Place?

Erectile dysfunction can be frustrating because even if a the person wants to have sex, their body won’t let them. ED usually happens because the person in question is not healthy for one reason or another. Besides occurring in older people, ED also occurs in people with penises who are overweight and who have some kind of health condition.

Obesity and erectile dysfunction tend to go hand in hand. That’s because those with obesity are more likely to have health conditions that impede their blood flow in some way. For example, obese people tend to have diabetes and diabetes can seriously damage how well your blood can flow throughout your body.

More than that, carrying around so much extra weight puts a lot of stress and inflammation on your body. If your entire body is stressed and unhealthy, getting an erection will be the last of your body’s concerns because it will be dealing with more important problems.

Health Problems

Those who are obese often have cardiovascular problems as well such as heart disease.

If your heart isn’t strong, the blood vessels in your body aren’t likely to be strong either. They might be filled with plaque, or the walls of your arteries might be starting to harden, making it even harder for blood to flow through your body.

There are certain cases in which damage to the penis may cause erectile dysfunction. For example, if something hits you in the penis at some point, the blood vessels in the area may have become damaged. In this case, it would be difficult for blood to flow back into the penis to cause an erection.

But what can you do to treat erectile dysfunction once you have it?

How to Increase Blood Flow to Penis

Just because you have ED doesn’t mean that you’ll never have another erection in your life. While no number of health sex tips will cure your ED, there are certain things you can do to increase your blood flow to the penis, so getting an erection won’t be so difficult. If you think you have ED, the first thing you should do is go and talk to your doctor.

Your doctor will be able to give you some advice depending on the state of your overall health. The first thing he will likely tell you to do is lose some weight. By losing weight, your overall health will immediately improve.

You will have more energy, you will be able to move around more easily, and your body won’t be under as much stress. Losing weight will also make it easier to do other things to improve your health, such as exercising. That way, when you exercise, your joints and bones won’t have to support so much weight.

Eat Healthier

If you have already lost weight or don’t need to lose any weight in the first place, your doctor will likely recommend that you change up your diet and eat healthier. Many people don’t realize that what they eat could play a large part in their sexual health. That’s because what you eat also plays a large part in your body’s blood flow.

For example, if you eat nothing but junk food and soda, your body isn’t getting the right vitamins and minerals it needs to function as it should. If your body doesn’t have the right nutrients to function, you can’t expect your sexual health to be in great condition. If you are serious about fixing your erectile dysfunction problems, you will have to improve your diet so that you leave the junk food behind and start eating healthier foods instead.

There are even certain foods that are particularly helpful in increasing blood flow not only to your penis but to your entire body as well. Cinnamon, garlic, and hot peppers are all great for blood flow. Hot peppers in particular, contain capsaicin which not only provides you with the spicy flavor of the peppers but also gets your blood running.

When you eat these things, remember to eat them along with other healthy foods. Eating jalapeno-flavored potato chips doesn’t count. Also, remember to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables since they are full of important nutrients that can help improve your blood flow.

Get More Exercise

When you exercise, you increase the blood flow in your entire body, so it only makes sense that exercising could improve blood flow to your penis after enough training. Aerobic exercises are especially important because they can get your heart and lungs pumping. Of course, exercising once or twice a week for a few minutes isn’t going to do much when it comes to improving your blood flow.

To reap the benefits of exercise, you will have to exercise at least five times a week for 30 minutes. Doing this will get your body into the habit of moving around, and your heart will get much stronger as well. After spending a few weeks or months exercising, you may find that you no longer get as fatigued and breathless as usual.

You may even find that you have more energy and are more active in general. Keeping your blood moving with exercise is helpful because it keeps your blood vessels clear, and it will prevent your heart from getting weak. If you sit around all day for months and years on end, your heart (and the rest of your body) will be quite out of shape.

This is not to mention that a sedentary and inactive lifestyle could lead to a buildup of plaque in your blood vessels. As mentioned before, if your blood vessels are clogged, you will have a hard time getting an erection since it will be difficult for the blood to flow to your penis.

There are several types of exercise that you could try to improve your blood flow.

For example, jogging and swimming are both very good options. If you don’t like jogging and don’t have a body of water nearby, you can try biking or speed walking down the street.

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Consume Less Alcohol and Nicotine

Neither alcohol nor nicotine is your friend when it comes to increasing blood flow to the penis. Drinking large quantities of alcohol can be especially harmful to getting an erection. That’s because alcohol interferes with certain receptors in the brain.

Normally, these receptors are responsible for telling the penis to become engorged with blood after becoming sexually aroused. However, when alcohol affects these receptors, the brain becomes much less effective at allowing the tissues in the penis to become engorged with blood. If you often drink a lot of alcohol, you may be able to get an erection at first, but after a few moments, you may end up losing it.

This, of course, doesn’t mean that you have to give up alcohol completely. A glass of wine or a bottle of beer won’t likely interfere with your ability to get an erection. However, if you are drinking a lot of alcohol all the time, this may contribute to your inability to get an erection.

To solve this problem, all you have to do is cut back on your alcohol consumption. After doing that, getting an erection should be a much easier task.

Smoking is also quite bad when it comes to erectile dysfunction. That’s because nicotine has the habit of constricting blood vessels in the body, including blood vessels that lead to the penis. Again, occasionally smoking won’t likely cause any serious ED problems, but if you smoke all the time, this may eventually cause problems for your sexual health.

As long as you cut back on how much you smoke or quit completely, it will be much easier for your blood to flow throughout your body.

Adding Restriction Toys

People with ED typically find restriction toys to be their best bet for an instant, temporary fix for when they are ready to get down. Once the penis is hard, using a toy that adds a bit of restriction can help keep the blood in the erect penis and prevent it from going soft mid play session. Using toys like Silicone Rings or Vibrating Ring can help intensify penis sensations, while helping to keep you harder for longer.

Reduce Your Stress

Stress has no place in the bedroom, and it certainly can cause problems when it comes to erectile dysfunction. Stress, like nicotine, can constrict your blood vessels, making it harder for blood to flow into the penis and cause an erection.

As it turns out, when it comes to psychological causes of ED, stress is one of the most common causes. Stress can be hard to avoid, but when it’s time for sex, you’ll want to find a way to calm down. Meditating, drinking herbal tea, and practicing breathing techniques are all helpful ways to calm down if you are particularly anxious.

Once you calm down, it will be much easier for your blood to flow smoothly throughout your body.

How to Increase Blood Flow

When it comes to learning how to increase blood flow to the penis, there are many options to try. By leading a healthier lifestyle with exercise and healthy food, it will become much easier for your blood to flow through your body. Reducing your consumption of alcohol is also important, along with reducing your stress levels.

To learn more about sexual health, performance, and products, check out what we have to offer here.