If your libido is a light switch that you can turn on and off at will, congratulations! You’re a unicorn. But for most of us, anything from stress to lack of sleep, to a brief awkward moment at dinner can get in the way of getting in the mood. 

That’s what inspired Cake to create Drive for Her, a natural, physician-formulated supplement designed to increase desire, arousal, and sexual health.  

Drive for Her is a blend of 8 active ingredients, including:

  • Libifem® (fenugreek extract for sexual arousal and function)
  • Saffron (mood enhancing), 
  • Arginine (helps achieve orgasm), 
  • Organic Mushroom Ext (aphrodisiac)
  • Green Tea Caffeine (energy)
  • Guarana Extract (natural energy)
  • Black Pepper Extract (vasodilator)
  • And Tribulus 45% (aphrodisiac)

If you’re familiar with supplements, you know that it can take time to see “peak” result. Most natural ingredients ramp up slowly in your body, showing gradual improvements over days or weeks before reaching maximum efficacy.  

It can be tricky to know what to expect and when, so we created this timeline as an estimate of the possible short and long-term benefits of taking Drive for Her. First, a few things to keep in mind. 

  1. Estimates are based on 30 days of continuous daily use.
  2. Our bodies are all different – individual results may vary!
  3. While Sex Drive for Her was formulated by physicians for safety, always consult your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen. This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s dive in.

Drive Day 1

  • Mild Aphrodisiac Effect: The Organic Mushroom Extract can begin providing mild aphrodisiac effects, though they may be subtle on Day 1.
  • Mood Enhancement: Saffron can provide a mood-enhancing effect right away. Known to boost serotonin levels, it may improve mood and reduce feelings of stress or anxiety within the first few days.
  • Energy Boost: The combination of Green Tea Caffeine and Guarana Extract is likely to give you an immediate energy boost. Both ingredients contain caffeine, which stimulates the central nervous system, increases alertness, and improves focus.

Hello Cake's Drive for her, an all-natural supplement formulated to increase sexual desire

Drive Day 7

  • Increased Sexual Desire: Libifem® (fenugreek extract) begins to show its effects on sexual arousal and function around this time. Fenugreek is known to support libido and sexual function by balancing hormones like testosterone, which may start to have a noticeable effect on sexual desire.
  • Improved Circulation: Black Pepper Extract acts as a vasodilator, meaning it supports better blood flow. It can also enhance the effects of other ingredients like Arginine and Tribulus, slowly beginning to improve circulation to the sexual organs. Why does this matter? Boosting blood flow leads to more sensation and can help facilitate orgasm. 
  • Slight Increase in Sexual Function: Similarly, Arginine (which helps improve blood flow to the genital area and support orgasmic function) may start to show mild benefits in terms of improving orgasm intensity and ease of arousal.
  • Sustained Energy: Beyond a short-term “boost” , continued use of green tea and guarana can lead to more stable, sustained energy levels throughout the day.
  • Mood Stability: As Saffron builds up, the mood-enhancing effects may become more noticeable. You may experience improved emotional well-being, reduced stress, and a more stable mood.

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Drive Day 14

  • Sexual Function and Orgasm Support: Tribulus has entered the chat. Around day 14 Tribulus, known for its aphrodisiac qualities, may lead to more intense sexual experiences, with greater ease in achieving orgasm. 
  • Increased Sexual Arousal: Libifem® (fenugreek extract) continues to peak with more noticeable effects on arousal and libido. As this ingredient has time to build, women may feel more physically and emotionally responsive to sexual stimuli.
  • Improved Circulation: Black Pepper Extract is the ultimate helping hand, continuing to enhance the bioavailability of the other ingredients we’ve mentioned.

Day 30 and Beyond

  • Peak Energy: By now, the effects of Green Tea Caffeine and Guarana Extract should be well-established, with sustained energy levels throughout the day, supporting both physical activity and mental focus.
  • Emotional Well-being: Saffron should have reached its full mood-enhancing potential, with reduced feelings of stress or anxiety, and a more consistent sense of happiness or contentment. For some women, this could also translate to a better sex life, as emotional balance plays a crucial role in sexual health.
  • Increased Libido: Libifem® reaches peak effectiveness in terms of sexual desire, and women may experience a noticeable improvement in sexual interest and arousal.
  • Enhanced Sexual Function: Arginine will have had time to support both orgasm intensity and overall sexual satisfaction. Blood flow to the sexual organs will be optimal, and Tribulus will continue to support libido and enhance the sexual experience.
  • Long-Term Sexual Health Benefits: The combination of Tribulus, Libifem®, and Organic Mushroom Extract should provide long-term improvements in sexual health, with more intense or frequent orgasms, greater sexual enjoyment, and overall better sexual function.

The High Points

POV: you quickly skimmed, and you wish there was a shorter synopsis. We’ve got you: 

  • Day 1: Immediate energy boost, mood enhancement, mild aphrodisiac effects.
  • Day 7: Sustained energy, mood stability, increase in libido, initial improvements in circulation and sexual function.
  • Day 14: Improved energy and mood, noticeable increase in sexual desire, better blood flow, improved orgasmic function.
  • Day 30 and Beyond: It all peaks: sustained energy, emotional well-being, sustained libido, enhanced sexual function and satisfaction, and long-term sexual health benefits.