We’ve all been there. You’re getting into it with your partner, just hitting your stride, you don’t want it to end but…it’s happening whether you want it to or not. 

Between 30% and 70% of men in the United States experience premature ejaculation (PE) at some point in their lives. It’s the most common sexual dysfunction in men, even more than ED, and tends to happen more among men under 40 years old

If you’re looking to delay your climax, we’ve got 2 techniques (and one quick fix product) that may help you prolong the big finish.  

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The Start-Stop Method

Most men know it, and have tried it. The “stop-start method” is the most straightforward way to delay your climax, simply stopping whatever you were doing the moment you feel the urge. It may not be foolproof, but it’s one of the easiest and least fussy ways to head off an orgasm.  

Also known as “edging”, the stop-start technique is not just a way to delay “premature” ejaculation, but can also intensify the big finish when you get there. 

The Stop-Squeeze Method

The next level up from “stop-start”? The “stop-squeeze”, and yes, it’s just what it sounds like. This technique relies on 2 things: quick reflexes and light pressure. 

How to try it: 

  • When climax is creeping up on you, immediately stop all sexual stimulation 
  • Next, you (or your partner) can gently squeeze the end of the penis where the head meets the shaft. Pressure should be firm, but not painful.  
  • Simply keep the pressure on until the sensation passes – typically a matter of seconds. 

Like stop-start, you can repeat the stop-squeeze method as many times as you’d like. 

Delay Sprays with Benzocaine

We know, all the “stop and go” can be awkward and may not be ideal for your partner’s pleasure.

For longer sex with less interruptions, you might consider a gentle desensitizing spray like Cake’s Climax Control Spray. Formulated with Benzocaine, a quality “delay spray” can help desensitize the penis enough to delay orgasm without “numbing” to the point that sex is no longer enjoyable. 

When it comes to Benzocaine, “more is more”, so to reduce numbing, start with a small amount of product and work your way up until you reach the desired level of desensitization.